Sunday, September 30, 2018

Geometry Paint

This morning, I have been trying to work through geometry painting- I am using a process to create fur using texture painted onto a polygon plane. For this I need to paint polygons across my base mesh.
The first thing I tried was downloading a mel script and using a tutorial to try to get this to work, but I ran into difficulties- I followed the instructions outlined, but continually got errors when trying to run the script. I noticed that this script was created for a very old version of Maya so I decided to see if Maya had integrated a tool to do this task - I found that it had.
I followed on tutorial on youtube, which seemed to be what I was looking for in  which I used the inbuilt paint scripts tool, but this works very erratically - at some times not painting the geometry at all and at other times painting it far away from the model.
So I tried another method, I downloaded Maya bonus tools, as in another tutorial and this was closer to the effect I needed, however.....  it still would not stick to the model (see image)

I went back, deleted history, froze transforms and centered pivot on both objects, but the same issue kept coming up.

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